wallabag – an open source alternative to Pocket, Readability, Instapaper or Pinboard for saving web …

wallabag – an open source alternative to Pocket, Readability, Instapaper or Pinboard for saving web articles

wallabag extracts the article's content (and only its content!) and displays it in a comfortable view. Elements like navigation or ads are deleted. If you already have an account on Pocket, Readability, Instapaper or Pinboard, you can import your data into wallabag.

You can use wallabag on your computer, thanks to their web application. But you can also take wallabag everywhere. For example, it's possible to save an article on your laptop at work, start to read it on your smartphone in the subway and finish reading it on your e-reader in your bed.

wallabag.it is the quality service that you need to host wallabag. For only €9 per year, you'll get a quality hosting, a professional support, automatic upgrades and daily backups. Or you can install it for free using a Docker image and run it from your own server.

See https://wallabag.org


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Save and classify articles. Read them later. Freely.