Want to live longer? Get fit! There is no known alternative in a pill form!
A recent study in JAMA showed that the fittest individuals live the longest. On the surface, that doesn’t sound like a groundbreaking statement. It makes sense, and is backed by science, that fitter people are generally healthier and therefore should live longer. But what’s different about this study is that there was no maximal benefit.
Prior studies such as The Copenhagen City Heart Study and a 2015 JAMA study suggested that there was a lower threshold of only 20-minutes per week to see a benefit, but there was also an upper threshold at around 450 minutes per week of exercise where we no longer saw a health benefit. In fact, other studies have shown an increased risk of atrial fibrillation and coronary calcification with increasing exercise duration.
See https://www.dietdoctor.com/want-to-live-longer-get-fit
Want to live longer? You need to get fit! — Diet Doctor A recent study in JAMA showed that the fittest individuals live the longest. On the surface, that doesn’t sound like a groundbreaking statement. It makes sense, and is backed by science, that fitter people are generally healthier and therefore should live longer. |