Why can’t Google Maps implement geofencing alerts for entering or exiting areas, or navigating around no-go zones?

With all the safety issues becoming more and more important in the world I’m wondering why Google Maps, which is generically available across iOS and Android devices, does not also start to implement safety features instead of just navigation features. Yes, there is location sharing but no alerting.

What about being able to define areas where a child (or adult) should stay within, and if they leave that area an alert is sent to defined contacts (even better if it can be set for a period of days/times). The same goes for no-go areas which not only could send the alerts, but also navigate around and away from these areas.

Imagine visiting a foreign city and being able to navigate around commonly accepted no-go or danger zones like we can opt to avoid ferries and toll roads.

#googlemaps #navigation #safety
