Why electric car charging stations are expensive in South Africa

A black colour Volvo SUV parked next to an EV charging station. There is a black cable connected between the charging station and the rear left side of the car.

Well, no surprise as SA government already applies and over and above tax on all EV imports. SA liquid fuels are also very heavily taxed.

And with fast charging stations, there are already a few middle-people adding their mark-ups. I don’t think, even yet, SA government has added any road levy taxes to these charging stations.

I know there are discussions on the go about reducing import levies, as well as road taxes, but right now in SA owning an EV is purely a rich person’s pursuit.

Technically, EVs could be very cost-effective to operate, even given the standard residential electricity tariffs. But right now is just not the time. Other countries in Africa are already offering better incentives, and even manufacturing and exporting their own EV buses.

As far as EVs go, South Africa has somewhat missed the bus.

See https://mybroadband.co.za/news/motoring/571145-why-electric-car-charging-stations-are-expensive-in-south-africa.html