Why You Can Focus in a Coffee Shop but Not in Your Open Office


Why You Can Focus in a Coffee Shop but Not in Your Open Office

It boils down to neutral ambient noise vs interruptions….

See https://hbr.org/2017/10/why-you-can-focus-in-a-coffee-shop-but-not-in-your-open-office

Pano3V8u44Ai tfKVEEBs47KRY36 fOi1CoMfzubEV UwoJ2jFg4IkAYff87w3Q1TeqtEu 8 Oq6IOZlpk33DDSsQn 5AL9K2QRNhrx9MxgCKDmx ltiTQxYhYpH6OiPIZ3 84y4TpM7Iak5OSdFqg=w506 h910 Why You Can Focus in a Coffee Shop but Not in Your Open Office
Research suggests the problem isn’t the noise, but the interruptions.


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