You can finally set a departure time for driving in the Google Maps app on your phone… but no adding…

You can finally set a departure time for driving in the Google Maps app on your phone… but no adding reminders to leave!

Thought Google Maps was maybe catching up with Waze but no not so. Although Google Maps on the desktop has had this "estimator" for a while, the mobile app gets it too but without a reminder when to depart it is pretty useless in reality.

Sorry but Waze still beats Maps hands down(for a really long time) on its useful implementation of setting an arrival time a day or two ahead, and Waze will watch the traffic and remind you before its time to depart.

With all Google's AI power it seems a bit of an afterthought only…


#googlemaps #waze

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Google Maps has seen a lot of UI changes recently that some of us may consider superfluous, or at least not a high priority. But over the past few days, two really important features popped up in the app — speed trap cameras and speed limits while driving — and now