You Don’t Need to Worry About Aluminum (Aluminium) in Your Deodorant – Another Decades-Long Myth Busted…

You Don’t Need to Worry About Aluminum (Aluminium) in Your Deodorant – Another Decades-Long Myth Busted

Another long-standing legendary myth that has just perpetuated for so long…

There’s a whole market for aluminum-free deodorants. They’re marketed as natural or primal or somehow vaguely better for you. But hold up a sec: why are you avoiding aluminum, which (unlike those natural deodorants) can actually stop you from sweating? It’s fine.

Aluminum—yes, the same metal that “tinfoil” and beverage cans are made of—turns up in trace amounts in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients and in breast tumors. However, people who work with aluminum don’t develop dementia or Alzheimer’s at higher rates than anyone else, and aluminum is found in healthy breast tissue at the same rates it’s found in tumors. There is zero evidence that avoiding aluminum will reduce your risk of either condition.

More info at

#antiperpserant #aliminium

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There’s a whole market for aluminum-free deodorants. They’re marketed as natural or primal or somehow vaguely better for you. But hold up a sec: why are you avoiding aluminum, which (unlike those natural deodorants) can actually stop you from sweating? It’s fine.