Your Android phone’s software may be killing your favorite apps in the background

Your Android phone’s software may be killing your favorite apps in the background

One of the most common problems that Android users encounter is apps being killed in the background. This ugly problem can rear its head in many ways. You’re multitasking between a few apps and suddenly one reloads, losing your place. Or an app you rely on to run in the background just stops working. Whatever the case may be, this is a problem on many Android devices. The Pixel 3, for example, recently received an update to fix some of these problems.

Users are affected by this issue, but developers have to deal with it as well. When apps don’t work correctly, developers are the ones who hear about it. In the case of phones killing apps in the background, there’s not much the developer can do. If the user doesn’t go through the hassle of whitelisting the app from “battery optimizations,” the app won’t work correctly and the user may give the app a bad review. Some developers are attempting to band together and fight this problem with Don’t Kill My App website.

Nokia has the worst rating, according to the website. It says Nokia devices on Android Pie “kills any background process including sleep tracking (or any other sport tracking) after 30 minutes if the screen is off.”

I've been noticing a lot lately that my podcast player will often not restart its audio after I receive as longer navigation audio alert. I just realised from this that it has its battery optimisation on by default and the OS probably thinks because the audio paused for 6+ seconds that the podcast app is no longer active. I've now whitelisted that app from battery optimisation to see if this helps.

Under normal circumstances battery optimisation is a great thing but if it is over aggressive then it impacts on functionality.


#battery #android

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Some developers are attempting to band together and fight the problem of apps being killed in the background with the Don’t Kill My App website.