YouTube is adding a new AR green screen effect to its stories feature

YouTube is adding a new AR green screen effect to its stories feature

YouTube is working on its own take on stories, which it’s already testing in beta with a small group of top creators. Now, the company is adding the next logical feature from Snapchat and Instagram to those stories: augmented reality green screen filters, as first spotted via Engadget.

The technology, explained in full over on Google’s research blog, actually seems pretty impressive: the company is using neural networks to identify and separate a subject from the background. It’s the same net effect as a green screen, allowing creators to insert whatever they want as their new backdrop in real time, but it’s made all the more impressive because it doesn’t require an actual green screen to make separating the subject easier.


0e4b3219 5fec 4ef9 bd5d 8d07ca369b45 YouTube is adding a new AR green screen effect to its stories feature
The feature could come to other apps in the future