Zap-Map – shows the UK has 5,892 charging locations whilst South Africa has about 100 countrywide

Zap-Map – shows the UK has 5,892 charging locations whilst South Africa has about 100 countrywide

Nevertheless, this is a very useful resource for UK EV drivers showing location, type of station, available charging points and status, etc. The real bonus is that the UK is pretty evenly distributed in terms of its coverage so the investment can be seen to have been made.

On the plus side (with a dose of sarcasm) for South Africa as Nissan has only sold about 100 Leafs this means each driver has their own charging station.


#zapmap #EV #chargingstations

bcF Y8NfsdsIx0AokaeZnH6MxVnBtvBDAlWftwQq3fWjQPKBU4mgBPVzluz9YOXAuE2QXLEIrV9vTeElwXS3oTr0FI tpYhPac7tIZGIO9OsGU4GN9tTnUmu72FI s4HGzWbZnh0uuI=w506 h910 Map of charging points for electric car drivers in UK: Zap-Map
Map of UK charge points allowing EV drivers to find charge points, plan electric journeys, update status and comment on points.