5 quirky self-hosted services to manage your relationships, adventures, and more

Screenshot of AdventureLog's country list feature showing partially visited countries like Andorra, Argentina, and Cambodia with flags.

I’ve been a part of the self-hosting ecosystem for a long time, and let me tell you, it’s filled to the brim with all sorts of fun and interesting projects. On the practical side of things, you’ve got the e-book management platform Calibre Web, budgeting powerhouse Firefly III, PKM system TriliumNext Notes, and a host of other utilities. For security experts, there’s the network traffic probe ntopng and self-hosted firewall OPNsense.

But here’s a list of the most quirky (but still fairly useful) services you can host on your workstation.

There is something for trekkers, tourists, and travellers; a Customer Relationship Management tool; a private, self-hosted browser; a genealogy tree; a habit tracker and changer; and a few other ideas too.

The great thing with self-hosting a service is that it remains private. I’m busy implementing OPNsense firewall myself right now at home.

See https://www.xda-developers.com/quirky-but-fun-self-hosted-services