EFF Launches Digital Rights Bytes to Answer Tech Questions that Bug Us All

The scene is set in what appears to be a retro-style diner, viewed from the outside through a large window. The foreground is dominated by the window frame itself, while the background features a teal wall with the words "DIGITAL RIGHTS BYTES" prominently displayed in a stylized font. Inside the diner, three anthropomorphic animals—a penguin, a cat, and a dog—are seated at a counter, each enjoying a different treat. The counter is a simple teal color, and the overall color palette is muted and nostalgic. The penguin, cat, and dog seem to be engaging in friendly conversation. The penguin, wearing a bow tie, appears relaxed and content as it sips a milkshake. The cat looks cheerful, holding what seems to be a small sundae. The dog, wearing a sailor hat, has a slightly inquisitive expression, indicated by a thought bubble with a question mark above its head. Also, there is a silhouette of a figure in a hat visible outside the diner in the upper right corner; its presence hints at an unseen element beyond the window, adding a slightly mysterious touch to the illustration.

Yes, politicians and Big Corporates do twist narratives to suite their own agendas. EFF is aiming to try to give more objective and honest answers to technology questions, especially those which affect users’ privacy and security.

EFF is the leading nonprofit defending civil liberties in the digital world. Founded in 1990, EFF champions user privacy, free expression, and innovation through impact litigation, policy analysis, grassroots activism, and technology Development. Its mission is to ensure that technology supports freedom, justice and innovation for all people of the world.

An interesting twist is that you can submit your own questions and answers too (without providing your name, e-mail address, or a completed reCaptcha).

See https://www.eff.org/press/releases/eff-launches-digital-rights-bytes-answer-tech-questions-bug-us-all