How To Backup And Restore Linux (System files like Windows Restore) With Timeshift

How To Backup And Restore Linux (System files like Windows Restore) With Timeshift

Be it a beginner or an advanced coder, A Linux user will, at some point find the need for a backup solution. All it takes is just one sudo command to go wrong and you’ll be sent back to the stone age. Linux shows you no mercy when you don’t have a solid a backup.

There are lots of impressive backup software available for Linux. Almost all distros come with an easy to use backup tool too. They back up and keep your docs, music and other important stuff safe.

But, it’s reinstalling all the software, drivers and configuring the system that turns out to be a nightmare. Although there are software like Aptik which do backup all your installed packages, They still don’t just cut it.

Timeshift can backup your Home data files too but note by default it excludes them. Which is nice as I still use LuckyBacup for my data files. Timeshift is totally GUI and very intuitive to use.

See how to use Timeshift at

#timeshift #backup

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