KDE is Making its Own Distro, and So is GNOME

The image shows a computer screen displaying the system settings of what seems to be a KDE Plasma desktop environment. In the foreground, various system settings options are visible, including input & output, display & monitor, and connected devices. The background features a cartoonish landscape with soft, pastel colors. The main focus is on the system settings menus, with file manager windows showing in the center. There is also a small 'Apply' button at the bottom, which suggests some configuration changes have been made.

KDE’s distro won’t be the same as their KDE Neon (which is Ubuntu based) but it is uncertain whether the new one will replace KDE Neon (I think not because of the differences).

What is known about KDE’s new distro is the following:

  • Be the recommended KDE operating system with stability and user experience as priority
  • Offering a secure experience
  • A focus on modern technologies (kind of like Fedora)
  • Immutable core
  • Wayland by default
  • Close to rolling release schedule

The immutable core is pretty interesting, as that is a newer approach that I’ve not gone for yet. So we’ll only know for sure once there are versions out for testing.

It does look like they are trying to marry the benefits of a rolling release with stability, through the immutable core, good testing, and probably built-in rollbacks etc.

And it looks like GNOME is going for a very similar approach too.

See https://news.itsfoss.com/kde-gnome-official-distro