Meet the designers who make a living building tiny houses on The Sims – Their construction videos get…

Meet the designers who make a living building tiny houses on The Sims – Their construction videos get millions of views

Five years ago, a young Australian graphic design student was studying abroad in Italy when she got a stomach bug. Bored and in bed, she began searching for game-play videos of her favorite game, The Sims–a virtual world where people control the lives of animated characters–since she was too sick to play herself. To her surprise, she discovered an entire community on YouTube devoted to building elaborate houses in The Sims.

Back at home in Australia, she began uploading her own builds, as they’re called, to YouTube under the name Deligracy (she goes by her username, for privacy). Today, she has 810,000 subscribers and even sells merchandise, like sweatshirts, mugs, and phone cases.

Deligracy’s channel has become so popular that she quit her job as a junior graphic designer because she was making more money from YouTube. Some of her most popular videos, which get tens of thousands of views, aren’t of the most elaborate houses Deligracy can dream up: Instead, her audience is obsessed with tiny homes.



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