Millennial food trends could be making us thinner

Avocado, hummus and nut butters are staples in many millennials’ diets.

However, according to new research, these foods could also be changing how our bodies react to hunger. Researchers from the University of Georgia have found that foods rich in polyunsaturated fats may be influencing our hormones and altering our appetites.

These foods – such as avocado, quinoa, chickpeas, salmon, chia seeds, olive oil and walnuts – have already been linked to improved problem-solving skills and better memory.

And now scientists are saying eating foods high in polyunsaturated fats may contribute to overall weight loss. And these are also an important part of LCHF lifestyle eating.

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Millennial food trends could be making us thinner

Avocado, houmous and nut butters are staples in many millennials’ diets. You only have to have a scroll through Instagram on a weekend morning to see a stream of delectable brunch snaps. Our favourite foods are trendy, healthy and so popular we make memes about them.