Rex Ambassador Adjustable Double Edge Safety Razor – The Best Premium Artisan Adjustable Razor?

Rex Ambassador Adjustable Double Edge Safety Razor – The Best Premium Artisan Adjustable Razor?

It's not cheap at around $249 but it is made out of solid 316L Marine-Grade Stainless Steel in the USA and each one is individually serial numbered with laser etching. But the best features for me are the sharp angled safety bar which helps naturally find the perfect angle for shaving, and it covers the blade well (no edges protruding corners to cut your nose if you're not careful – happens sometimes with my Parker Variant). Its knurling is also first class.

Sizewise too it is not too long so great for travelling and the head is noticeably slimmer than the Merkur and Parker adjustable razors. Yes, many do compare it to that classic vintage Gillette Slim.

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