Sony’s stubborn stance on cross-compatibility is holding video games back

Sony's stubborn stance on cross-compatibility is holding video games back

With the arrival of Fortnite on the Nintendo Switch Tuesday, it's become abundantly clear that Sony is holding back the video game industry.

Why? Because Switch users can play Fortnite with players on every platform — Xbox One, PC, Mac, and mobile — except for PlayStation 4. In fact, if you have an Epic Games account for Fortnite on PS4, you can't use that same account on Switch or use any of the cosmetics you've paid money for.

This is bad, pointless, and does nothing but hold back the video game industry from becoming a more open marketplace where friends can play games together without needing the same system.

This isn't a problem that's exclusive to Fortnite. This same problem has come up with Minecraft and Rocket League, both of which were some of the first games to foster cross-play between consoles.


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Get with the times, Sony.