Archiving Data On Plain Paper Using 2D Images

Optar or OPTical ARchiver is a project capable of squeezing a whopping 200 kB of data onto a single A4 sheet of paper, with writing and reading achieved with a standard laser printer and a […]
Optar or OPTical ARchiver is a project capable of squeezing a whopping 200 kB of data onto a single A4 sheet of paper, with writing and reading achieved with a standard laser printer and a […]
You can either scan or upload various document formats into Paperless-ngx. It will organise and index your scanned documents with tags, correspondents, types, and more. Your data is stored locally on your server and is […]
The ARChive of Contemporary Music has one of the largest collections of vinyl records in the world and is in danger of losing its home. Its champions are making a case for the future of […]
Luckily, Stephen’s younger self went to some extremes documenting the project, starting with a map he created which was inspired by Dungeons and Dragons. There are printed notes from a Commodore 64 printer, including all […]
The concern keeps coming up (I’ve also been pondering it a lot and posted in this last week what I’ve been doing). This linked article does sum up the essentials very well, and this helps […]
Reading an article about this published two days back in The Technocrat, MIT Technology Review, got me thinking yet again about this topic (as you do when you are past your 40’s or 50’s) and […]
Similarly, to iOS, it will retain the icon and user data and remove the application itself to save about 60% storage space (and also not run anything as a background service). This is different from […]