What You Can and Can’t Recycle


What You Can and Can't Recycle

Can you recycle plastic bags? Do you have to scrub out your containers? What about paper towels?

Every major curbside recycling program takes clean paper and cardboard, metal cans, and plastic jugs and bottles. Beyond that, things get complicated. But some general rules apply. Recycling incorrect items (eg. soft plastic bags) can actually cause more expense and waste. And local rules are also important like some recycling depots only take whole glass bottles and not broken glass.

See http://lifehacker.com/what-you-can-and-cant-recycle-1797603814

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We recently got new recycling bins at the Lifehacker office, and suddenly realized no one knew all the rules about recycling. Can you recycle plastic bags? Do you have to scrub out your containers? What about paper towels?


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