Why has Telkom South Africa not been patching it’s exposed ADSL consumer routers?

Users of Internet based routers are always warned to regularly update and patch the firmware on their routers to prevent vulnerabilities. But what if the provider is just not pushing out updates, even though they have known about the vulnerabilities? That could be rather reckless…

Which is again why I prefer to buy my own router and configure it for it’s upstream OEM firmware updates and checks, or place a WiFi router of your own in-line with your "free" router you receive.

See How a hacker broke Telkom ADSL routers to make it fix security flaws

#technology #security #telkomza #southafrica


On the dark web and in the deeper corners of the public Internet, hackers tell stories of a vigilante who scoured the Internet for insecure devices, hacked into them, and broke them so that other hackers couldn’t use them to launch attacks from.