You Can Now Search for Addresses Across 750 Million Years of Earth’s History

You Can Now Search for Addresses Across 750 Million Years of Earth's History

Ever looked at a picture of the supercontinent Pangea and wondered where your current address would have been 250 million years ago? A new interactive map provides this very service, allowing you to see modern locations across 750 million years of our planet’s history.

This awesome 3D map is the brainchild of Ian Webster, curator of the supremely impressive Dinosaur Database. It defaults to 240 million years ago, during the Early Triassic, a time when life was rebounding from the Permian mass extinction and early dinosaurs began to make an appearance. Back then, our planet was dominated by the giant Pangea supercontinent, and it makes little sense from our current perspective.

To help, Webster overlays the map with modern political boundaries, and you can even search for present-day addresses to pinpoint specific locations.


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