BusKill is an open source laptop kill cord that can trigger your computer to lock or shutdown when it’s physically separated from you

Graphic with text “BusKill: A USB Kill Cord for your Laptop” featuring a USB stick, and a hooded figure carrying a laptop.

BusKill can trigger your laptop to lock, shutdown, or self-destruct if it’s physically separated from you.

It’s actually been around for a few years, but this was the first time it popped up in my feed.

BusKill can provide travellers peace-of-mind when logged into their bank account or social media from a café in Paris. BusKill can keep a journalist’s documents and their sources safe if they’re targeted by the political police.

It is probably also useful for activists, businesses, military, and intelligence operatives.

The intention to use a physical cable was a deliberate one, as otherwise Bluetooth or other wireless triggers could be thwarted.

It works on Windows, macOS, Linux, and even QubesOS.

See https://www.buskill.in

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