Don’t just throw away that ‘junk’ in your grandparents’ basement – Redditor discovers legendary 1956 computer in grandparents’ basement

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On Monday, a German Redditor named c-wizz announced that they had found a very rare 66-year-old Librascope LGP-30 computer (and several 1970 DEC PDP-8/e computers) in their grandparents’ basement. The LGP-30, first released in 1956, is one of only 45 manufactured in Europe and may be best known as the computer used by “Mel” in a famous piece of hacker lore.

Whatever the grandparent used the LGP-30 for, it appears there might be a relationship between it and the PDP-8/e units found nearby. In another comment, c-wizz wrote, “There seem to be some instructions on how to transfer code written for the LGP-30 to the PDP8\e.”

Apart from it possibly being irreplaceable vintage computing, it may well also be worth a lot of money.


#technology #retro #vintage #PDP8 #LGP30