Green Energy Will Overtake Fossil Fuels by 2020, Morgan Stanley Analyst States


Green Energy Will Overtake Fossil Fuels by 2020, Morgan Stanley Analyst States

Many concerned citizens and institutions around the world were disheartened when President Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement. According to leading global investment firm Morgan Stanley, it doesn’t matter much. The continuous drop in costs and the benefits surrounding green energy make it a rapidly more appealing option than its carbon-emitting cousins.

A top analyst at the firm says green energy will overtake fossil fuels by 2020. Don’t be fooled by Paris’s move to ban gas vehicles by 2040, or of Britain’s doing the same. These aren’t progressive policies but a recognition of an oncoming trend.

Stephen Byrd covers the North American power, utilities, and green energy sector for Morgan Stanley. He wrote in the report, “We expect the US to exceed the Paris commitment of a 26-28% reduction in its 2005-level carbon emissions by 2020.” Why is that? “Numerous key markets have reached an inflection point where renewables will have become the cheapest form of new power generation by 2020, a dynamic we see spreading to nearly every country we cover.”

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The cost-effectiveness of green technology makes it tough to ignore.


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