Hundreds of Canadian Doctors Demand an End to the Low-Fat Nutrition Dogma


Hundreds of Canadian Doctors Demand an End to the Low-Fat Nutrition Dogma

It’s time for an end to the low-fat nutrition dogma. It’s time to change the official dietary guidelines that have failed to prevent – and may even have exacerbated – epidemics of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

More and more people realize what needs to be done, and now hundreds of Canadian physicians demand a change via an open letter, signed by 717 physicians and other health professionals.

This is an update to an earlier demand, featuring several times more people signing it. There’s also a new rebuttal of arguments ( against changing the guidelines.

More details and links at

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It’s time for an end to the low-fat nutrition dogma. It’s time to change the official dietary guidelines that have failed to prevent – and may even have exacerbated – epidemics of obesity and type 2 diabetes. More and more people realize what needs to be done, and now hundreds of Canadian physicians demand a…


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