Philosophy lessons lead to better behaviour and marks in Sydney school


Philosophy lessons lead to better behaviour and marks in Sydney school

Every Wednesday afternoon in term 3, all students at Malabar Public School put away their textbooks and gather in their classrooms to talk about everything from beauty and fear to terrorism and other global issues. The hour-long lesson is part of a growing movement to bring philosophy into public schools.

"It equips them with reasoning skills and whether they agree or disagree with each other, they've always got to back that up."

"Behaviour started improving in the classroom and the playground, we weren't having children resorting to antisocial behaviours to solve problems but using words to sort their differences out instead," Mr Atwell said.


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Every Wednesday afternoon in term 3, all students at Malabar Public School put away their textbooks and gather in their classrooms to talk about everything from beauty and fear to terrorism and other global issues.


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