The Friendica social network can be installed via a Docker Container

Yellow capital letter F with word Friendica underneath it

Friendica actually has its own federating protocol, but it supports others too, such as Activity Pub (Fediverse), Twitter, Tumblr, and more. So it becomes a single client app that you can use as a hub to various other social networks (including Mastodon as part of the Fediverse).

Friendica’s functionality is not just about posting a status with an image, as it has calendaring, photo albums, forums, and more. I did a video about it at

In many ways it is similar to Hubzilla (although Hubzilla does even more including its nomadic profiles) but one big differentiator is that Friendica can be easily installed and run with Docker. This makes it really easy to host as part of a virtual private server, or anywhere Docker can operate.

Friendica is a great social network to host for family and organisations, especially with its photo albums and calendaring. With its ActivityPub protocol, it still easily integrates with the entire Fediverse of social networks as well, so you are never isolated.
